Undergraduate Research and Creativity Alumni Profiles
Thomas Bohlen B.S. ’09
Environmental Engineering Project Manager
Major(s): Geology/Earth Science Education
What research or work have you done since graduating from Buffalo State?
I work as a project manager for an environmental engineering and consulting company. I primarily practice environmental due diligence, investigations, and remediation projects to evaluate environmental risk for clients.
Can you translate your work for the general public?
I establish and maintain client relationships as a seller/doer. I function as an environmental project manager and technical lead in a variety of professional practice areas including: Brownfield investigation, remediation, and redevelopment, Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments, soil-vapor intrusion investigations, and geotechnical investigations. I work for a wide variety of clients including manufacturers, developers, bankers, lawyers, and real estate professionals.
Why did you decide to get involved in undergraduate research?
It was a no brainer for me. Dr. Solar, Dr. Martinez-Hackert, and Dr. Singer were very committed to the program, and the students who did research before me helped blaze the trail.
How did your undergraduate research experience influence your career path?
The practical application of the science was an invaluable experience. Conducting and presenting the research shaped my thought process in ways not feasible in the traditional classroom. I use the technical skills I learned doing undergraduate research on a daily basis.
I am a seller/doer tasked with generating work and maintaining client relationships. The undergraduate research program provided the opportunity to develop critical real-world applicable skills including scientific research, goal setting, teamwork, and how to present ideas in an approachable manner.
Describe the research you did and if you presented it at any professional conference, juried art exhibit, or other off-campus location.
I presented my research at Northeast Geological Society of America (GSA) conferences in Baltimore, Maryland, and Portland, Maine. They were fantastic opportunities to discuss the research in depth with a versed audience.
Undergraduate Research Mentor: Dr. Bettina Martinez-Hackert, Dr. Gary Solar